What's Final Expense Insurance

Final Expense Insurance: Whole-Life Insurance for Seniors

What’s final expense insurance? It is a type of whole-life insurance policy for seniors. These types of policy provide coverage for the final costs at the end of life. It helps the owner of the policy and their family pay for funeral costs, medical bills, and other related costs. These policies are usually smaller than traditional life insurance policies. They can range from $2,000 to $50,000 in death benefit amounts. And the premiums are designed to be affordable.

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Designed to Cover End-of-Life Expenses

These policies are designed for covering end-of-life expenses to give your family peace of mind. The beneficiary will receive a check from the insurance company. Tax free – for the entire face amount of the policy. They can access the money quickly and easily, so they can focus on what’s important: family.

Financial Security for Your Family

Since your beneficiary will receive a check directly from the insurance company, they won’t have the burden of finding funds to cover your funeral expenses.

Go-Fund-Me and other crowd-source websites are filled with examples of families trying to raise money to cover burial expenses. You don’t want to leave your family with a financial burden after you’re gone.

The easiest and best way to cover your final expenses is whole life insurance. It’ll always be there for your family. The rates will never increase. The value will never decrease.

Let Me Help You Find Peace of Mind

I specialize exclusively in final expense, whole-life products to help my clients’ ensure their burial and other expenses are paid for at the end of their life. I understand your needs as well as the benefits of each product that I can offer. In many cases, the insurance policy will feature an accelerated death benefit or offer coverage without health questions. Feel secure knowing your plan will provide enough funds when needed most. And, without any financial burden your loved ones left behind.

I can help you select the best option available based on your individual needs and budget. We can review the different types of policies available, and answer questions about any tax concerns. Together, we will compare rates and coverage, which means more value over a longer term.

Preparing for the future is critical. Thinking of the inevitable is not an easy thing to do. Remember that you’re by having coverage for the end of live, you are leaving a beautiful love note to your family. And that love note is the real reason to buy a policy today.

Contact me today to compare rates and coverage today!

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