
This article explores how families are utilizing crowdfunding platforms to seek financial help for funerals.

What is crowdfunding?

If you’re not familiar with the term, Merriam Webster defines it as, “soliciting contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community”.

Many people use crowdfunding to raise money for business ventures. But over the past few years, families crowdfunding to pay for funerals is on the rise.

GoFundMe, by far the most well known platform for crowdfunding, states that more than 125,000 memorial fundraisers are created on the site each year. 

According The New York Times 13% of the campaigns on GoFundMe relate to memorials or funerals.

Fund the Funeral is a crowdfunding platform that pays directly to funeral homes. They’re niche is they provide “fraud-free” crowdfunding. 

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Crowdfunding: Potentially Fraudulent Fundraisers

Meaning there are a lot of potentially fraudulent fundraisers on other platforms. And that may be the reason so many of the fundraisers coffers are at or near zero. People are skeptical about giving money online.

At the time of this writing, Fund the Funeral had over 800 active fundraisers. Again, many at or near zero. Many more not even half of the needed funds. Some of them were only trying to raise $1,000 and were sitting at “$0 of $1,000 raised”.

Crowdfunding a funeral is a lot of stress for a family. Funerals are generally a timely event after the passing of a loved one. This gives the family a few days to start a fund, promote it, and urge people to fill the coffers to pay for your funeral.

There are Affordable Solutions Available: Final Expense Insurance

I think it is safe to say, crowdfunding a funeral is far from a sure thing when it comes to paying for funeral expenses. It’s probably a bad idea to ask your loved ones to go through that kind of stress during an emotionally tough time. Especially when there are affordable solutions you can get right now.

You can read: Planning for Your Final Expenses: Do You Have Enough Cash to Leave for a Funeral?

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