Senior Life Insurance (Final Expense)

Why You Need Senior Life Insurance

Senior (Final Expense) Life Insurance provides the quick, tax-free money your family will need at the time they’ll need it most. Sometimes known as Senior Life Insurance or Funeral Insurance because it is designed for seniors to cover your end-of-life expenses. These senior life insurance plans protect your family financially when you pass away.

senior life insurance final expense insurance

What Happens Without a Senior Life Insurance Plan?

Without a senior life insurance plan, your children are generally left with the bills. What follows can be as serious and devastating as GoFundMe campaigns, family infighting, bankruptcy, and worse.

Having final expense insurance will take care of your end-of-life expenses and give you peace-of-mind that your family won’t have to carry that financial burden.

Average Funeral Costs

average funeral costs covered by senior life final expense insurance

In addition to funeral costs, Other End-of-Life Expenses add up quickly. Average total for additional necessities:

average total expenditure for end-of-life expenses

Social Security and VA Don’t Help Much

Final Expense Insurance Can Help

senior final expense insurance is affordable
anyone can be eligible for senior life insurance with a final expense plan
it's never too late for senior life insurance

Getting Coverage is Easy

Getting coverage is as easy as a phone call. The entire process can be done right-over-the-phone in about 30 minutes.

We will start with a free final expense insurance quote to find the perfect policy for your needs and budget.

After we find the perfect senior life insurance policy for you, we’ll begin the application.

The application is simple. Just a few questions. Guaranteed issue senior life insurance plans are available, and have no medical questions and no exams.

Contact me today to get started! (702) 867-8150

Why Wait?

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What is Final Expense Insurance?

Final Expense Insurance is a whole life insurance policy with a death benefit amount designed to pay for your funeral expenses. The amounts vary. Policies can be found from as low as $5,000 to as high as $50,000.

Since this is a whole life policy, that means it is permanent. It builds cash value, the premiums never increase, and the death benefit never decreases. The money will be there for your family when they need it.

I’m here to serve you. Contact me, and I’ll help answer your questions. Also, this website contains articles on many aspects of final expense insurance.

How Much Coverage Can I Get with Final Expense Insurance?

Final Expense Insurance policies can be found from as low as $5,000 to as high as $50,000.

Use my free, instant final expense insurance quote tool and you can see what’s available. Then, let’s talk and find the perfect policy for you at the perfect price for you.

Doesn’t Social Security Pay for Funeral Expenses?

Yes. The current Social Security benefit – if you qualify for it – is $255.

The information from Social Security it located on their website.

How Much Does Final Expense Insurance Cost?

You can get an instant and free final expense insurance quote. Just click this link, enter some basic information, and you’ll be taken to the quoting tool.

You can run the final expense insurance quoting tool with various benefit amounts. Then, let’s talk and get you the coverage that best suits you.

I Have Serious Health Problems, Can I Still Get Coverage?

Absolutely! Yes! I can find a plan at a price you can afford. No medical questions. No exams.

Contact me for all the details. I’ll be happy to explain all the options, and help you shop for the perfect plan.

What is the Age Limit to Qualify for Final Expense Insurance?

Generally, the youngest age is 45 and the oldest is 85. There are some exceptions, so don’t hesitate to call me. I will be very glad to present some options to you.

When Will My Coverage Start?

In most cases – TODAY! There are occasionally cases that will need some extra time, but it is not typical.

How Long Does the Application Process Take?

About 15 to 30 minutes.

  • I’ll collect your information over the phone.
  • Select the plan that best meets your needs.
  • Set up payment with the insurance carrier.
  • Submit the application.

Can I Own a Final Expense Insurance Policy for My Parent / Child / Family Member?

Yes! The loving family relationship is what’s known in insurance as “insurable interest”. See my post then call me for details. I’ll help you find the right policy to give you and your loved one peace of mind.

Is the Insurance on Television Cheaper or Better?

In many cases they are offering term life insurance, not whole life insurance, so the policy on TV will expire – and most of them at age 80 when you really want to be covered.

Others are offering insurance at really low prices as units” of insurance. This allows them to advertise a single, low “per unit” price on TV, but depending on your age, the “low” price buys less and less the older you are. The “unit price” remains the same, but the coverage decreases with age.

There are some TV life insurance products for seniors that only pay if you die in an accident, not of any natural causes.

I can help you with:

  • A free policy review of any life insurance policy you currently have
  • Free consultation to discuss any life insurance policy you are currently considering
  • Free quotes from other carriers to compare

My job and my passion are to help people get peace of mind about their final expenses.

If after the review, the policy you found on TV beats any policy I can offer you, I won’t try to sell you any other policy. You’ll have received the full consultation for free, and leave the conversation with a greater understanding on the policy you found.

Can I Get Final Expense Insurance if I Occasionally Smoke Cigars?

Yes! There are policies available that consider 1 – 2 cigars or less per month completely different than cigarette smoking or regular nicotine / tobacco use.

Go to my instant, free final expense insurance quoting tool and check what’s available.

What are the Premiums and Payment Options for Final Expense Insurance?

Premiums are typically paid monthly. The payment can coincide with your Social Security payment schedule if you’d like.

Other payment options are quarterly and annually.

Monthly payments are setup to automatically pay from your bank account or debit/credit card, so you never miss a payment.

Premium pricing can be quickly found using my instant, free final expense insurance quoting tool.

Are there any Medical Exams or Health Requirements to Qualify for Final Expense Insurance?

Buying final expense insurance today is better than tomorrow.

As with all life insurance, premiums are lower the younger you are and the better your current health condition is. And no one knows what tomorrow brings.

No medical exam is required.

To get the lowest premiums, you can choose a policy with some basic health questions.

I can also help you shop for Guaranteed Issue policies that have no medical questions. These types of policies are just a little more expensive.

Run a quote on my instant, free final expense quoting tool for “Guaranteed Issue” policies.

Can Beneficiaries Use the Death Benefit for Any Purpose?

The benefits paid to your beneficiary are tax-free, so they receive the full amount of the policy.

The beneficiary will receive a check from the insurance company that can be used for any purpose.

Are There Any Exclusions or Limitations I Should Be Aware Of?

Nothing out of the ordinary. The best thing to do is contact me for a free consultation. Let’s discuss the particulars of each policy you qualify for, and I‘ll make sure you are completely aware of all the policy provisions and feel completely comfortable.

What Happens if I Miss a Premium Payment?

When we setup your final expense insurance policy, your payment will be automated via bank draft or debit/credit card. So, it will be difficult to miss a payment. But, if you do miss a payment, you will need to make up that payment as quickly as possible.

When we are setting up your policy, I will cover your policy’s grace period, payment options, and non-forfeiture options.

After we complete your policy, you can contact me with questions any time. I am happy to serve you as your insurance agent.

Are You Licensed in My State?

I am a licensed life insurance agent in the following states:

  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • South Dakota
  • Michigan
  • Ohio
  • Virginia
  • Tennessee
  • South Carolina
  • Florida

I am more than happy to share my license information with you. Just contact me.

I can also refer you to a partner agent in any state that I am not licensed in. Please just ask.

Ready to take the next step with Final Expense Insurance?

The most direct and simple way to get senior (final expense life insurance coverage is to call me at (702) 867-8150. We will shop top carrier quotes together, select a policy that meets your needs and fits your budget, and complete the application right-over-the-phone in about 30 minutes.

Start the process with a free, instant senior (final expense) life insurance quote.

If you need some help in estimating your senior life insurance needs, click here for a free life insurance calculator to help get the best estimate for your senior life insurance needs.

Get a free Life Insurance quote today!