Ensure your loved ones are taken care of

Ensure your loved ones are taken care of

Are you looking for a way to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away? Final expense insurance is the perfect solution! With this type of policy, you can rest assured knowing your family will have one less financial burden to worry about.

The loss of a parent is one of the most difficult experiences anyone can go through. As people prepare for this eventuality, it is important to consider the financial costs associated with funerals and other related expenses. Knowing what to expect in terms of average funeral costs and associated fees can help families plan ahead so they are better prepared when tragedy strikes. 

Costs Associated with Burial Expenses

On average, funeral services range from $7000-$10,000 depending on location and type of service chosen by the family. This cost includes things like embalming or cremation services. It can also include transportation for moving remains from place to place if necessary. Other potential costs include cemetery plot fees. These fees typically run between $1000-2000. Burial vaults or caskets can range anywhere from $500-$3000. Flowers at yet an additional cost. Death certificates cost around $25 each. Publishing obituaries can run up to several hundred dollars. It may depend on length and publication in local newspapers or online sites such as Legacy dot com. The cost of any memorial markers/headstones that may be desired must also be considered. These can range up into thousands more dollars per marker. 

In addition there may also be administrative tasks. The cost will also include obtaining copies of legal documents that must be taken care of prior to a ceremony taking place. These costs add further expense onto an already very costly event.

Discuss Final Arrangements with Loved Ones Early

It’s important for families to take time now. While your parents are still living, discuss their wishes regarding end of life decisions. Include where they would want any final ceremonies held. Ask if they have any special wishes fulfilled.

Having this conversation early will not only make the occasion easier on those left behind, but could potentially save money. Preplan as many aspects before hand instead waiting until after their passing leaving you no choices. You’ll end up paying whatever price asked out desperation at a time arrangements must be made quickly.

Contact me today and learn more about how final expense insurance can help protect your legacy!

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