Where are all your important documents kept?

Who knows where they are located?

If you died today, would your spouse or your family be able to find all your important documents like your Last Will and Testament? How about your Health Care Directive? How about your life insurance policy?

Would your spouse or family know how to contact your employer to get access to insurance and benefit information?

Would your spouse or family know who you wanted to serve as executor of your estate? Would they know how to contact your executor? You should talk to the person you want to be your executor and shared what the job entails.

Have you written anything down?

Have you written down what kind of funeral you want – burial or cremation? How about who you want to be notified and how to contact them?

Would your spouse know your attorney’s phone number? Your tax preparer? Your life insurance agent?

I think you are getting the idea… Our lives and our digital lives are very complex.

Get Organized

Getting organized and recording all this Information in a safe, secure, easy-to-access location would be critically important to your family during a time of grief and mourning.

By keeping a record of your accounts, will location, and contact information for your spouse or family, you are facilitating a smooth transition of your affairs after your death. This helps your loved ones to access and manage important aspects of your life.

Where to Begin?

I’ve maintained a list like this since I went to India on business years ago. If anything happened to me, I wanted my wife to find everything easily, so she didn’t have to endure any further hardship.

So, since I’ve done this before, I expounded on the concept and included a lot of extras like:

  • A checklist to help you get started with what’s important
  • An easy-to-follow list of important information you should have documented
  • An easy-to-use e-formatted document you can fill-in right on your computer
  • A life insurance estimator to help ensure you have enough coverage
  • The job description of “Executor” so you and the person you select understand the role completely

All of this is in my downloadable e-book, “Getting Your Affairs in Order: the Organizer”

The book is yours, FREE. I want you to have full peace-of-mind that all your affairs are in order. I want you to rest peacefully knowing that your spouse or family will have all they need to go about their lives knowing you loved them and cared enough to take care of them.

A Few Additional Things to Consider…

How to maintain all this important and sensitive information?

I printed mine and put it in a fireproof safe. I review and update it periodically.

If you plan to maintain this digitally, you could:

  • Put it on an flash drive and store it in a safe location
  • Store it in a secure folder on your computer
    • If you do this, ensure your spouse and family know how to access it
  • Store it in a secure folder on cloud-based storage
    • If you do this, ensure your spouse and family know how to access it

Schedule a Periodical Review and Update Your Information

Mark it on your calendar. With it on your calendar, maybe you can use the same schedule as you have for changing your air filters. It’s important that you make it a regular habit to check and update the information.

Contact me with any questions – I’m here to help! (702) 867-8150

Get your FREE copy of the e-Book!

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